20 Yr old female with neck pain and headache

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

Thia E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment  plan..

Chief complaints:
20 yr old Patient was brought to casuality on 1/12/22 with complaints of neck pain since 3 days, vomitings and headache since 1day.. 

History of presenting illness: 

Pt was asymptomatic 3 days back then she developed neck pain. 
Vomitings since 1 day with 4 to 5 episodes per day, non bilious type.. 
Headache since 1 day which is of frontal type. 

Past history: 
 She was bought to this hospital 1 month back for fever, sore throat, dry cough, reduced urine output, hyper pigmented macules over forehead, shortness of breath, pedal oedema extended till knees and diagnosed with SLE with anti ds DNA++ , anti histone antibodies positive..

N/k/c/o Diabetes, TB or asthma., CAD, epilepsy 

Addictions: none 

Family history: no significant family history 
Surgical history: No surgeries done in past. 

Treatment history: treated 1 month back with

Personal history : 

Diet: mixed

Appetite : decreased

Sleep : inadequate

Bowel movements : regular 

General examination: patient was examined after taking consent from the attenders

Pt is conscious cooperative and coherent 

Pallor - present 

Icterus- ab7sent

Cyanosis- absent

Clubbing- absent

Koilonychia - absent

Lymphadenopathy - absent

Edema - absent 

Systemic examination :


No thrills, no parasternal heave, 

S1, S2 +, no murmurs

Respiratory system :

.BAE +

Trachea is central in position, no dyspnoea, no wheeze, vesicular breath sounds heard

Abdomen examination :

 Non tender , bowel sounds heard

CNS : 
No focal neurological deficit 
Oriented to person,time and place 
Speech - normal
 Signs of meningeal irritation - not present

Serum electrolytes: Normal 
Serum Creatinine normal 
Blood sugar- normal 

"Blood urea is elevated":64 mg/dl(12 to 42 mg/dl)

Elevated alkaline phosphate-123 IU/L (42-98 IU/L)

 Hemoglobin isReduced-10.2gm/dl (12-15 gm/dl) 
Lymphocytes are reduced-08% (20-40%) 
Neutrophils-82% (40-80%) 
-Normocytic normochromic anemia with neutrophilic leukocytosis..
MCHC is reduced-30.8%(31.5 - 34.5%) 
RDW-CV is raised - 17.8%( 11.6 - 14%) 
Rbc count is reduced-3.47millions/cumm(3.8-4.8)

Provisional diagnosis :
Vomitings and headache secondary to sle


Tab paracetamol 500mg PO/TID 
Tab warfarin 5mg PO/BD 
Tab HCQ 200mg PO/OD 
Tab azathioprine 50mg PO/BD 
Tab prednisolone PO/BD 
Inject zofer 4mg iv/BD 
syrup sucralfate 15ml PO/BD 
Monitor vitals


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